Why choose TorNordic

Why choose TorNordic

We have over 30 years of experience in the slaughterhouse industry in Denmark, Russia, Norway, Greenland, Iceland, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania.

To build the right solution, one must have great respect for the geographic surroundings and where the slaughterhouse is located. The solution must be made in respect of the objectives and the capacity in which the slaughterhouse are supposed to fulfill. We are extremely focused on: Designing the right structure and solution, but not by simply adding features endlessly. We must always push ourselves to think smart.

What is needed? How can we most profitable and effectively make the project work? Both in the short and long term.

We believe that smart and innovative solutions are the way forward. We have extensive experience in exploiting the surrounding opportunities, for example in the slaughterhouse geographical location and the employees employed by the slaughterhouse.

We  work really hard to see the project in a holistic perspective. Do you want to hear about specific cases in which we have had great success by thinking different and innovative? Please contact us.